About Me
1) नाम:- jeetendra sonwani
2) पिता का नाम:-T.R. Sonwani
3) माता का नाम:-munni devi sonwani
4) जन्मतिथि:-18/04/1990
5) जन्म स्थान:-raipur
6) शैक्षणिक योग्यता:-B.E (cs )
7) व्यावसाय/नौकरी:-govt pwd contracter
8) जमीन :-2 acre
9) मासिक आय :-10-15 lac ( annual )
10) ब्लड ग्रुप :-A+
11) ऊँचाई :-5.6
12) वजन :-65
13) बोली भाषा :-hindi
14) पिता का व्यवसाय :-govt cspdcl employe
15) भाई /बहन:-1/1
16) गोत्र:-sonwani
17) जाति :-satnami
18) रंग :-fair
19) शादीशुदा/तलाकशुदा/ :-none
20) विकलांगता (हां/नहीं, यदि हां तो विवरण):-no
21) पता:-ekta nagar gudhiyari raipur
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- Age 35
- Gotra
- Gender Male
- Education
B.E (cs )
- Occupation
govt pwd contracter
- Annual Income 110-15 lac ( annual )
- Complexion Wheatish
- Height 5'6''
- Marital status Unmarried
- Family status Middle class
- Fathers Name govt cspdcl employee
- Fathers Occupation Mr. T.R. Sonwani
- Mothers Name Mrs. Munni devi sonwani
- Mothers Occupation Homemaker
- Ethnicity Indian
- What do I look like?
- My Eyes Blue
- My Hair Black
- My Body Big and lovely
- Hair Lenght Short
- My Habbits
- Drinking Never
- Smoking Quit
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