Terms and Conditions
This website is owned and managed by (UMESH KUMAR MAHILANGE)
This agreement sets out the Terms and Conditions applicable to custmers of the satnamivivah.in.By ordering our services you bind yourself to this agreement and certify that you do, in fact agree to this agreement in full.
Marriages Bureau provides matrimonial services that are subject to the following terms and conditions. Upon registering and signing up on our matrimonial website , you consciously agree to our terms and conditions and accept them.
You must get acquainted with all the services provided by the Marriages Bureau along with the terms and conditions. before making any payment against any of our services. All rights, liabilities, and obligations related to any services or transaction related to our matchmaking services shall be governed by this agreement.
The terms and conditions may be altered and updated from time to time at its sole discretion.
Copyright policy
The entire contents of this site including text, design, logo, graphics, images, digital dowanloads, audio clips, icons, and data compilation are the sole properties of satnamivivah.in.
Disclaimer policy
satnamivivah.in is not responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect content posted on the website by any user/member. Under no circunstances, Marriages Bureau will take any responsibility for any loss or loss or damage resulting from any user/member’s use of the service or site.
Refund policy
We does provide refunds for the services what we offers.